Office of Institutional Research, Kean University

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Kean Online
All Students
Enrollment Headcount
By Program, for Fall Semester(s)

College/Department Program 
CrimJust/PubAffairs Criminal Justice (UG) 63 132 162 203
Subtotal 63 132 162 203
Accounting/Finance Accounting (UG) 92 112 155 176
Accounting (GR) 0 0 0 15
Subtotal 92 112 155 191
Management Management Sci. (UG) 244 311 341 381
Subtotal 244 311 341 381
Marketing/Glob.Busi./Econ. Marketing (UG) 0 0 0 24
Subtotal 0 0 0 24
CBPM Total Total 399 555 658 799
EdLead/SecEdu Edu Admin. (GR) 36 42 49 48
Certificates (GR) 39 19 29 26
GND Programs (GR) 1 0 0 0
Subtotal 76 61 78 74
COE Total Total 76 61 78 74
Psychology Psychology (UG) 211 288 331 369
Subtotal 211 288 331 369
CLA Total Total 211 288 331 369
Biological Sciences Biology (UG) 9 48 109 121
Subtotal 9 48 109 121
Computer Sci Tech Information Technology (UG) 0 8 0 0
Subtotal 0 8 0 0
HCSMT Total Total 9 56 109 121
GE/Interdiscip. GenStud (UG) 0 9 12 11
Lib.Art (UG) 0 0 16 42
Subtotal 0 9 28 53
SVPAA Total Total 0 9 28 53
Comm Sci/Disorders GND Programs (GR) 10 1 0 0
Subtotal 10 1 0 0
Nursing Nursing (UG) 52 54 44 56
Subtotal 52 54 44 56
Social Work - Graduate Social Work (GR) 0 23 30 32
Subtotal 0 23 30 32
Health and HumanPerformance Public Health (UG) 0 4 17 34
Subtotal 0 4 17 34
CHPHS Total Total 62 82 91 122
Total 757 1051 1295 1538
Note: Enrollment for high school articulation agreement program is not seperatly listed before Fall, 2016.
** Students enrolled in online programs have been assigned to Kean Online Campus since 2020 Fall.
*** Kean has been offering online programs since 2016.

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