Office of Institutional Research, Kean University

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Total | Bachelor | Master | Doctor

US Campuses
Degrees Conferred
By Ethnicity/Gender, for Academic Year

Ethnicity/Gender 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23
Male 255 278 251 270 295
Female 538 601 583 657 651
Subtotal 793 879 834 927 946
American Indian/Alaska Native
Male 4 2 2 0 2
Female 3 1 3 1 3
Subtotal 7 3 5 1 5
Male 67 111 98 89 77
Female 115 127 139 133 120
Subtotal 182 238 237 222 197
Black/African American
Male 179 205 196 162 204
Female 395 410 381 409 367
Subtotal 574 615 577 571 571
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Male 2 3 0 3 1
Female 3 11 3 3 5
Subtotal 5 14 3 6 6
Male 441 493 439 405 333
Female 778 818 764 684 732
Subtotal 1219 1311 1203 1089 1065
Two or More Races
Male 23 21 24 17 17
Female 47 41 43 30 43
Subtotal 70 62 67 47 60
Not Reported
Male 75 110 92 108 87
Female 162 196 218 181 170
Subtotal 237 306 310 289 257
Male 1046 1223 1102 1054 1016
Female 2041 2205 2134 2098 2091
Total 3087 3428 3236 3152 3107
Note: ** Students enrolled in online programs have been assigned to Kean Online Campus since 2020 Fall.

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