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US Campuses
Undergraduate Student
Enrollment Headcount
By Program, for Fall Semester(s)

College/Department Program 
CrimJust/PubAffairs Criminal Justice (UG) 828 793 758 736 739
Public Admin. (UG) 106 100 51 56 53
Subtotal 934 893 809 792 792
Accounting/Finance Accounting (UG) 549 513 466 468 495
Finance (UG) 325 283 256 277 309
Subtotal 874 796 722 745 804
Management Management Sci. (UG) 1100 1046 950 1022 1078
Subtotal 1100 1046 950 1022 1078
Marketing/Glob.Busi./Econ. Economics (UG) 35 26 16 15 22
Global Business (UG) 128 127 119 113 131
Marketing (UG) 356 315 304 331 335
Subtotal 519 468 439 459 488
CBPM Total Total 3427 3203 2920 3018 3162
Special Edu/Literacy Teacher of Stu with Disabilities (UG) 70 29 11 2 0
Subtotal 70 29 11 2 0
Bil/TESOL/Lang Elem/Mid/SecEdu-Lang (UG) 84 107 85 90 87
Spanish (UG) 38 32 36 32 30
UCT in Elem/Mid/SecEdu-Lang (UG) 1 0 0 0 0
UEN in Elem/Mid/SecEdu-Lang (UG) 1 0 0 0 0
Subtotal 124 139 121 122 117
Elem/PE Health Edu Elem Edu (UG) 469 501 480 411 370
Physical Edu (UG) 438 393 264 227 200
Subtotal 907 894 744 638 570
Early Childhd Edu Early Childhood Edu. (UG) 317 296 253 239 246
Subtotal 317 296 253 239 246
EDU Other HighSchool Agreement Prog (UG) 19 19 16 0 0
Subtotal 19 19 16 0 0
COE Total Total 1437 1377 1145 1001 933
Communication Communication (UG) 583 513 417 369 355
Subtotal 583 513 417 369 355
English English (UG) 245 230 216 210 202
Subtotal 245 230 216 210 202
History Asian Studies (UG) 4 2 0 0 0
History (UG) 244 231 195 189 193
Subtotal 248 233 195 189 193
Psychology Psych Rehab (UG) 74 78 54 63 64
Psychology (UG) 1364 1400 1226 1280 1307
Subtotal 1438 1478 1280 1343 1371
Fine Arts Art History (UG) 1 1 0 0 0
Fine Arts (UG) 72 67 64 67 111
Fine Arts Edu (UG) 28 32 38 38 2
Studio Art (UG) 55 44 28 26 20
Subtotal 156 144 130 131 133
Theatre Theatre (UG) 40 39 35 31 31
Theatre Design & Tech. (UG) 9 10 6 5 4
Theatre Edu (UG) 15 16 8 4 0
Theatre HS Agreement Prog (UG) 76 56 56 0 0
Theatre Performance (UG) 24 16 15 17 22
Subtotal 164 137 120 57 57
Music Music (UG) 11 8 11 9 13
Music - General Performance (UG) 16 3 3 5 5
Music Edu. (UG) 31 21 17 22 15
Subtotal 58 32 31 36 33
Polit.Soc.Cult.Sci Global Studies (UG) 9 13 19 23 12
Political Science (UG) 84 75 70 78 74
Sociology (UG) 224 213 167 147 122
Subtotal 317 301 256 248 208
CLA Total Total 3209 3068 2645 2583 2552
Biological Sciences Biology (UG) 1121 1103 955 933 905
HIM (UG) 28 23 13 8 11
Medical Tech. (UG) 71 70 74 75 87
Subtotal 1220 1196 1042 1016 1003
Chemistry/Physics Chemistry (UG) 65 79 61 59 56
Subtotal 65 79 61 59 56
Mathematics Math. Science (UG) 184 153 132 130 134
Subtotal 184 153 132 130 134
Computer Sci Tech Computer Science (UG) 431 455 381 486 598
Information Technology (UG) 229 221 216 218 235
Subtotal 660 676 597 704 833
Env Sust Sci Biology-BS Env (UG) 54 46 50 47 40
Earth Science (UG) 61 55 48 37 30
Environmental Science (UG) 0 0 3 26 48
Sustainability Science (UG) 18 11 6 2 1
Subtotal 133 112 107 112 119
Integrative Sci Tech Science & Tech. (UG) 178 185 193 177 172
Subtotal 178 185 193 177 172
HCSMT Other HighSchool Agreement Prog (UG) 19 17 22 0 0
Subtotal 19 17 22 0 0
HCSMT Total Total 2459 2418 2154 2198 2317
Design Advertising (UG) 0 0 0 8 19
Graphic Design (UG) 152 149 161 152 133
Industrial Design (UG) 55 42 39 43 38
Interior Design (UG) 127 141 135 118 126
Subtotal 334 332 335 321 316
Architecture Architecture (UG) 146 168 166 176 211
Subtotal 146 168 166 176 211
MGC Other HighSchool Agreement Prog (UG) 0 16 19 0 0
Subtotal 0 16 19 0 0
MGC Total Total 480 516 520 497 527
GE/Interdiscip. GenStud (UG) 409 371 312 367 341
HighSchool Agreement Prog (UG) 0 0 92 227 216
Lib.Art (UG) 0 0 1 44 95
Other (UG) 59 79 77 94 176
Subtotal 468 450 482 732 828
SVPAA Total Total 468 450 482 732 828
Comm Sci/Disorders Communication Disorders (UG) 0 0 0 145 141
Speech Lang. Pathology (UG) 166 166 167 0 0
Subtotal 166 166 167 145 141
Nursing Nursing (UG) 112 120 113 82 73
Subtotal 112 120 113 82 73
Athletic Training Athletic Training (UG) 151 147 117 60 25
Subtotal 151 147 117 60 25
Health and HumanPerformance Exercise Science (UG) 0 5 146 314 405
Public Health (UG) 70 66 67 107 127
Recreation Admin. (UG) 55 49 38 57 73
Recreational Therapy (UG) 87 101 59 51 65
Certificates (UG) 0 0 0 0 6
Subtotal 212 221 310 529 676
CHPHS Total Total 641 654 707 816 915
Total 12121 11686 10573 10845 11234
Note: Enrollment for high school articulation agreement program is not seperatly listed before Fall, 2016.
** Students enrolled in online programs have been assigned to Kean Online Campus since 2020 Fall.

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